I was always a Charmin girl and thought there was no way I could live without it. However, I now LOVE and use Seventh Generation's recycled toilet paper. It's something good for the earth and I can live with it :)
I love this shaving cream!!! NO ANIMAL TESTING!
I really love these Biobags. They take some getting used to, but are so great! They degrade so quickly unlike those petroleum based plastic garbage bags.

I love these Baggu bags and have about 25 of them. I take them EVERYWHERE! They hold twice as much as plastic bags and are really pretty too!
Still lovin' all of my cloth diapers, although Chloe is starting to tell me when she needs to go potty. Not going to miss changing the stinky ones!
KICKBOXING...need I say more? I feel like such a bada&& when I start punching/kicking. I always have some scumbags' face in mind as I'm pounding.
I just LOVE this tattoo!! I haven't found anyone that will do a tattoo on toes though :)
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