Wednesday, January 7, 2009

16 Things About Me

1. I went to Mizzou after high school and met Eric in 1992. We’ve been together ever since. We got married (with a PERFECT wedding) in 1997. We lived in St. Louis from 1995-2007 and then moved to Port St. Lucie, Fl in the spring of 2007. We lived there for 9 months before being transferred again to West Palm Beach, Florida.

2. Eric and I tried for 2 years to get pregnant. My first pregnancy was with quadruplets. We chose to reduce the pregnancy to twins to try and save at least two of the babies (I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1992 and the surgery to remove the tumor removed a large part of my cervix too). It still did not work and both of them were born early. Our son, Jacob, was stillborn and our daughter, Emme, lived for two weeks before passing away. I went on to have two successful pregnancies (after 5 and 6 months of bed rest and surgeries our son was born at 33 weeks and our daughter was born at 32 weeks) and two miscarriages. To say the least, I am an expert when it comes to fertility/pregnancy issues.

3. I’m a stay-at-home Mom. For years, in high school and in college…I said I was NEVER getting married. Both of my parents are divorced many times over. Now, I relish being a Mom and Wife, and I love taking care of my family. There is nothing more important. I know some parents need/have to work, but I can’t imagine working all day and then only getting to spend a few hours with my kids before putting them to bed. Especially Chloe since she’s only 2 ½ years old.

4. I’ve been using reusable bags for groceries for years now. I’m glad it’s finally catching on. I’ve also been a vegetarian for over two years now. For me, it started with thinking meat was gross. Then my husband made a comment about it being “muscle”. That did it! I still buy meat for my family, but I don’t eat it myself. I also started researching what I could about animal rights and animal testing. For the most part, I only buy cruelty-free products (although there is a Neutrogena item I just can’t seem to give up). I also used cloth diapers on my daughter. I loved them, but I’m so glad she’s working on using the big girl potty!!

5. After my twins died, I really did some soul searching. I was brought up a regular Christian, but I no longer feel that organized religion is for me. I am more spiritual than before and have researched all types of ways to feel closer to God. I have taken Kabbalah classes and even tried hypnotherapy (to learn about my past lives and my life in-between incarnations.

6. My husband and I went to Tahiti for our honeymoon and now it’s where I want my ashes to go when I die.

7. I love kickboxing!! It makes me feel tough, like I could kick somebody’s booty or something.

8. My Basset Hound, Maggie, died three years ago last month and I still think of her almost every day. She was there for me like a lot of my friends weren’t after the twins died. I really miss that old dog She was 10 when she died.

9. I LOVE Indian food, sushi, and I'm growing to love different types of Persian foods. Without meat of course!

10. I wanted to be an astronaut until I got a D in Trigonometry and realized that it probably was never going to happen. I still cry while watching the shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral.

11. There is nothing like lying on the beach at night with no lights around and watching the stars. One of my most favorite things to do…you know we are not alone!!!

12. I love to travel, but so far, we’ve only made it to a few places in Mexico, Tahiti and Italy. I really want to go to Istanbul. I wish I could travel more in Persia/The Middle East, but it seems like it will never happen.

13. I’m a total Democrat and that will never change. I know why I vote the way I vote…I educate myself and that’s all that matters to me. There is nothing I hate worse than people just following the flock…

14. My first job out of college was in social work. I will never, ‘repeat” NEVER, work for the public again!!! I would rather starve.

15. After the twins died, I taught myself how to write html and I started my own website. The domain name is being bickered over as we speak, but I hope to have it back up soon. Maybe I should just change the name??

16. My husband calls me a nerdy geek. I never would have thought that in high school, but I love tinkering with computers and taking them apart. I love any/all programs about the Earth, other planets, and space…really any kind of science.